Google Drive encountered an error that mysteriously lost user data. November 29, 2023, According to Rigister, Google Drive is having problems causing users' data to be lost or misplaced. Those affected said their Google Drive content was reverted to a previous state, which resulted in the loss of users' updated data information for months to years.

This issue was first reported on the Google Support forum on November 21. On this forum, users discovered that all data files were synced on their Google Drive after the month The year 2023 has mysteriously and strangely disappeared. At this time, the data file structure on the user's Drive also goes back to May 2023, their account has no activity or changes past that date.

Some other users reported losing years of important data. There are several ways to recover Google Drive data, but the recovery process does not work in this particular situation. Lost data files are not placed in the Google Drive trash and cannot be synced from offline cache.

Reportedly, Google is actively contacting those who have submitted support tickets, Google Support staff said: "this issue is being investigated by our Product Engineers," and confirmed that some Google Drive service customers have experienced data loss issues.

About why this problem occurs.? Some users blame Google's Inactive Accounts Policy, which is in effect until December 2023. Some other users say that Google Drive for Desktop v84.0 update could be the cause , however, the v84.0 update was released by Google a week before users had data loss problems.

Through this we can see that any system has problems. Data needs to be backed up in multiple places in case of situations like this.

If you are affected by this issue, submit a support ticket to Google here and wait patiently for further information. We still don't know whether the lost data was deleted or simply lost. During this time, it is best not to change any more data in your Drive account, this action may affect the recovery process. team compiled references from Google and Rigister
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