On November 9, 2023, UBPorts officially announced the release of Ubuntu Touch OTA-3. This new update is built on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and adds compatibility support for over 20 devices such as PinePhone, PinePhone Pro, PineTab, and PineTab 2.
Ubuntu Touch is a mobile operating system designed for smartphones, originally developed and maintained by Canonical. However, after Canonical officially abandoned the project in 2017, UBPorts, an independent development team, took over and continued to develop the system.
Recently, UBPorts released version OTA-3, which has been preliminarily adjusted to be compatible with Pine64 devices. However, the development team stated that the compatibility is still not perfect, and there are some existing usage bugs.
OTA-3 mainly focuses on various changes, including support for disabling notifications and vibrations in other applications, additional keyboard layouts, updated user interface, and menu structure of the system settings, preliminary support for Snap package installation, and improved running of Android apps through Waydroid.
Below are some smartphone models compatible with Ubuntu Touch OTA-3.

Ubuntu Touch is a mobile operating system designed for smartphones, originally developed and maintained by Canonical. However, after Canonical officially abandoned the project in 2017, UBPorts, an independent development team, took over and continued to develop the system.
Recently, UBPorts released version OTA-3, which has been preliminarily adjusted to be compatible with Pine64 devices. However, the development team stated that the compatibility is still not perfect, and there are some existing usage bugs.
OTA-3 mainly focuses on various changes, including support for disabling notifications and vibrations in other applications, additional keyboard layouts, updated user interface, and menu structure of the system settings, preliminary support for Snap package installation, and improved running of Android apps through Waydroid.
Below are some smartphone models compatible with Ubuntu Touch OTA-3.
- Asus Zenfone Max Pro M1
- Pro1-X
- Fairphone 3 and 3+
- Fairphone 4
- Google Pixel 3a and 3a XL
- JingPad A1
- Oneplus 5 and 5T
- OnePlus 6 and 6T
- PinePhone (beta)
- PinePhone Pro (beta)
- PineTab (beta)
- PineTab2 (beta)
- Sony Xperia X
- Vollaphone
- Vollaphone X
- Vollaphone 22
- Vollaphone X23
- Xiaomi Poco M2 Pro
- Xiaomi Poco X3 NFC / X3
- Xiaomi Redmi Note 9, 9 Pro, 9 Pro Max và 9S
Source:What's new?
This release of Ubuntu Touch is based on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, so latest Ubuntu 20.04 LTS security updates have landed in this OTA.
New features:
- First Ubuntu Touch 20.04 system image release for PinePhone, PinePhone Pro and PineTab (consider this beta-status rather than stable)
- content-hub API change and security fix (see <advisory URL>, see <API change URL>)
- hfd-service / lomiri-system-settings: Restore the ability to disable vibrations from notifications and other applications, which has been broken since we upgraded to Focal.
- Switch primary APN database provider to lineageos-apndb (from mobile-broadband-provider-info). This allows more users to have their mobile data and MMS work out of the box.
- location-service: (Re-)Add gpsd provider (forward port from UT 16.04, required for PinePhone mainline Linux devices)
- location-service: Expose ClientApplications D-Bus property to be queried by the Lomiri shell, so location-service clients can be granted some computation time for updating location data
- lomiri-keyboard: Keyboard layouts added / improved (Avro, Bengali traditional, Persian)
- system settings: Rework UI and menu structure of security/privacy page(s)
- system settings: Reflect channel selection change on update settings page
- Preliminary Snap support
- messaging-app: Implement search within conversations
- Morph Browser: Remove Peekier search engine provider from list of available search engines, handle fallback to browser's default search engine (DuckDuckGo) provider gracefully; toggle switch for mobile/desktop mode added; checkbox for autoLoadImages added to settings; upgrade QtWebEngine to 5.15.15
- QtMir: Add support for DSI as an internal display option (fixes shell rotation on PinePhone devices); re-enabled support for content-hub based clipboard (resolves copy+pasting between apps)
- waydroid/QtMir: Adjust calculation of available display size for Android apps (don't cut off the bottom navigation buttons)
- Prevent Lomiri & lomiri-system-compositor from dying when running out-of-memory
- usb-moded: Extend tethering detection to CDC-{NCM,ECM}, adds support for USB tethering to e.g. the Fairphone 4
- Translation updates (a huge thanks to all i18n contributors over on, big thanks also to the providers of the hosted weblate service)
- FP4 and P3a specific enablements of Halium QSG. Halium QSG and schedtune enablement on the Pixel 3a and Fairphone 4 result in up to 10x performance improvements during GPU texture uploads
Changes / resolved issues since UT 20.4 OTA-2 (2023-07-30)
Changelog of address-book-app since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
Changelog of aethercast since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- CMakeLists.txt: Set cmake_minimum_required() before using the project() function. (@sunweaver)
Changelog of apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- w11tng: Fix enabling and disabling driver mode & crash (@fredldotme)
Changelog of ayatana-indicator-power since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- templates: Allow missing deviceinfo .yaml read permissions (@fredldotme)
- allow thumbnailer's FD-based API (@peat-psuwit)
- templates: allow reading libraries in apex (@muhammad23012009)
Changelog of bluebinder since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- revert back to 22.9.3, due to last-minute regression (@peat-psuwit)
- upgrade ayatana-indicator-power to 23.6.0 (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of click since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian/bluebinder.service: ignore failure of (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of content-hub since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- preload/clickpreload.c: define _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE (@z3ntu)
Changelog of deviceinfo since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- make content-hub service specify the store path, not the client (app sandboxing securitx fix, API change) (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of dialer-app since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- update Pine64 deviceinfo (@ook37)
- deviceinfo: update documentation (@muhammad23012009)
Changelog of Gallery App since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- fix unread count of missed calls (@lduboeuf)
Changelog of haliumqsgcontext since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- fix MediaObjectFactory worker not quitting (@klhio)
Changelog of hfd-service since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian: Set Debian revision for UBports repos (@fredldotme)
Changelog of hybris-usb since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- add settings to allow disabling general vibration (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of libgbinder since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- usb_setup_configfs: select first non-dummy USB controller (@NotKit)
Changelog of libhybris since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian/: New upstream release v1.1.34 (@mariogrip)
Changelog of libqtdbusmock since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian: Ship upstream patch for using libui in place of gralloc directly (@fredldotme)
- debian/patches: fix memory leak with VPx23 (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of lineageos-apndb since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- methodCall: add support for arrays of different basic types (@mardy)
Changelog of location-service since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- initial packaging (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of lomiri since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- add gpsd provider (@Luigi311)
- gps: fix sproradic crash due to uninitialized memory (@peat-psuwit)
- expose ClientApplications D-Bus property (@gberh)
- Waydroid Compatibility (@j1xlte-gtelwifiue)
Changelog of lomiri-app-launch since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- clickable: rename unity8 -> lomiri (@lduboeuf)
- forward port from xenial (@XiaoFuse)
- let apps receive location updates in the background (@gberh)
- fix font family (@mateosalta)
- indicatorMenuItemFactory: support org.ayatana.indicator.level (@peat-psuwit)
- shell: ignore shell.atDesktop when calculating AvailableDesktopArea (@peat-psuwit)
- make app go foreground when in spread view (@lduboeuf)
- update, re-enable build and test with clickable (@lduboeuf)
- circle Prompt: give better contrast for dots (@lduboeuf)
Changelog of lomiri-keyboard since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- CMakeLists.txt: Don't use '${}' with variables in if-clauses. Variable... (@sunweaver)
Changelog of lomiri-system-settings since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- reduce the weight of Bengali plugins (@peat-psuwit)
- added avro layout (with suggestions) (@HackerShohag)
- added 2 traditional bengali keyboard layouts (@HackerShohag)
- fix custom symbol pane for Persian language (@peat-psuwit)
- edited russian layout (@iliavasilev)
- debian/*.service: allow keyboard to bypass "Other vibrations" (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of lomiri-system-settings-security-privacy since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- plugins/wifi: fix weird behavior with the peer picker for cert (@peat-psuwit)
- fix 207 by moving the set option into the header (@Danfro)
- plugins/battery: stop relying on a-i-power (@peat-psuwit)
- plugins/sound: migrate "other vibrate" to HFD's AS settings (@peat-psuwit)
- plugins: about: add deviceinfo support for device name (@muhammad23012009)
- plugins: gestures: don't depend on DT2W anymore (@muhammad23012009)
Changelog of lomiri-system-settings-system-update since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- rework of lock security page. (@lduboeuf)
Changelog of lomiri-thumbnailer since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- reflect channel selection change on update settings Page (@lduboeuf)
Changelog of lomiri-ui-extras since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- support requesting thumbnail by FD (@peat-psuwit); extend DBus API to allow FD-based hand-over of file handles (instead of path names), expect deprecation of the old pathname based DBus API. Most applications shouldn't see any change.
Changelog of lomiri-ui-toolkit since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- CMakeLists.txt: Set cmake_minimum_required() before using the project() function. (@sunweaver)
Changelog of lxc-android-config since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- optionSelectorDelegate: don't update our height when it's 0 (@peat-psuwit)
- font family package not likely to change, the font should still be named ubuntu (@mateosalta)
- debian/control: add Breaks, Replaces after moving file between package (@peat-psuwit)
- debian/*: fix foreign-arch install of us and native lomiri-app-launch (@peat-psuwit)
- gallery: Adapt links to new API documentation (@lduboeuf)
Changelog of messaging-app since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- disable hfp_bluez5 plugin (@mariogrip)
- debian/lxc-android-config.postinst: remove the old divert-removal code (@peat-psuwit)
- preliminary snap support (@fredldotme)
- ofonod-wrapper: always use LineageOS's apndb now (@peat-psuwit)
- fix unbound variable issue breaking boot on devices (@deathmist)
- fix slot suffix detection for devices with /proc/bootconfig (@NotKit)
- mount-android-partitions: prefer partition images over partitions (@deathmist)
- mount-android-partitions: add apex to bind-mounts (@muhammad23012009)
- mount-android-partitions: skip mounting /system_ext (@NotKit)
Changelog of Mir since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- clear search field when going back (@lduboeuf)
- update Readme: Add informations about how to run locally messaging-app with datas (@lduboeuf)
- implement search within a conversation (@lduboeuf)
- make conversation header clickable, replace the "contact" icon (@lduboeuf)
- re-enable Tests (@lduboeuf)
Changelog of mir-android2-platform since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- fix missing dsi enumeration (@ook37)
- RE: debian: Change scanout candidate calculation on Mesa (@ook37)
- debian: Change scanout candidate calculation on Mesa (@fredldotme)
Changelog of morph-browser since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- src: server: Allocate buffers with GRALLOC_USAGE_HW_VIDEO_ENCODER (@deathmist)
Changelog of network-manager since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- delete peekier.xml search provider and fix behavior when a search engine is removed (@peat-psuwit)
- use UrlUtils.fixUrl for the new user entered domain (@balcy)
- src/*: correct the translation domain for borrowed phrases from UITK (@peat-psuwit)
- set Desktop Mode from Main Menu (@mariogrip)
- add checkbox for WebEngineSettings property 'autoLoadImages' to Settings and WebAppSettings (@balcy)
Changelog of nuntium since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian: Ship patch to remove overriding wpa_supplicant's preferred GO intent (@fredldotme)
- fix not activating after state change (@mariogrip)
Changelog of ofono since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- decode message classes stored as token-text (@j1xlte-gtelwifiue)
Changelog of ofono-apndb-plugin since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian/control: allow simlutanous install of updated -dev packages (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of ofono-ril-binder-plugin since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- initial packaging (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of ofono-ril-plugin since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian/*: build against -sailfish variant of oFono (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of ofono-sailfish since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian/*: build against the -sailfish variant of oFono (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of ofono-ubports since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian/*: make it possible to co-install -dev package (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of persistent-cache-cpp since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian/*: make it possible to co-install -dev package (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of pulseaudio-modules-droid since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- bump cpp std version to 14 (fixes googletest 1.13.0) (@mariogrip)
Changelog of qmenumodel since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- forward port (@kethen)
Changelog of qtmir since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian/patches: add support for {u,}int of all sizes (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of qtubuntu since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- add support for DSI as an internal display option (@ook37)
- WMPolicy: set initial size for new window with certain state (@peat-psuwit)
- drop references to Upstart and Unity (@gberh)
- mirserver: re-enable support for content-hub-based clipboard (@peat-psuwit)
- rename to music.ubports (@sunweaver)
Changelog of qtwebengine since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- qmirclientwindow: do follow scaling for sizing constraint (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of rootfs-builder-debos since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian/patches: revert hybris-omx patch to the state before !28 (@peat-psuwit)
- debian/patches: Refactor OMX Enablement (@fredldotme)
- fix memory issues with HybrisMediaCodecVideoDecoder (@peat-psuwit)
- upgrade QtWebEngine to 5.15.15 (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of sensorfw since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- Jenkinsfile: work around flaky apt cache (@peat-psuwit)
- pine64: cleanups (@ook37)
- focal: add pine64 images (@ook37)
- fix(pine64): cleanup (@ook37)
- focal: Don't replace existing /mnt directory with a symlink (@fredldotme)
Changelog of sync-monitor since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- fix deviceinfo patch to work with modern deviceinfo properly (see #1) (@ook37)
Changelog of telephony-service since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- rename/clean up notification hints (@gberh)
Changelog of ubuntu-touch since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- debian/*.user.service: allow telephony to bypass "Other vibration" (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of Ubuntu Touch Meta since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- added bengali layouts entry (@HackerShohag)
- touch-core{,-android9plus}: use LineageOS's apndb (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of ubuntu-touch-session since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- add 20.04.1 frameworks due to new content-hub API (@peat-psuwit)
Changelog of usb-moded since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- systemd: Prevent lomiri & lomiri-system-compositor from OOM-dying (@fredldotme)
Changelog of Waydroid since UT 20.04 OTA-2:
- ubports-config: extends tethering detection to CDC-{NCM,ECM} (@peat-psuwit)
- debian: Ship patch for probing schedtune (@fredldotme)